Monday, 14 December 2009

Textual Analysis; Smash hits front cover

The conetents of the front cover of 'Smash Hits' magazine include a lot of media language, such as the mast head, which is placed in the top left corner of the page, it is yellow and white which is a convention of a pop music magazines. They tend to feature a lot of yellow, white and pink which indicates the target audience. Also it includes the month and year the magazine came out and the price, this is located above the barcode which is in the bottom right corner. Pop music magazine's also include a main image which is usually an artist or band.

The magazine 'Smash Hits' has an ideology where pop music is important. An example of media language that shows this is the main image which tells us it is a pop music magazine as the image is girl's aloud, this tells us it's a pop magazine as girls aloud are a pop group.

.The institutions for 'Smash Hits' magazine is that 'Smash Hits' also have a TV channel and a website. The institutions purpose is commercial - to make money and to advertise theirself. This affects the content as it includes adverts and content is mainly entertainment.

The representations for the 'Smash Hits' magazine i am looking at are girls aloud. They are represented in this magazine as they are a pop group so they represent pop groups in this magazine. The models in the main image show they are represented as happy as their facial expressions shows this, they are also represented as popular and confident as their facial expressions show they are making eye contact with the audience which shows they are confident and want to grab the audience's attention.

The target audience for 'smash Hits' magazine are predominant females, aged 13-16, possibly lower class as the price of the magazine indicates this.

Monday, 7 December 2009

Textual Analysis: Uncut front cover

The conetents of the front cover of 'Uncut' magazine include a lot of media language, such as the mast head, which is placed across the top of the page, it is red which is a convention of rock music magazines. This magazine tends to feature a red, white and blue. Also it includes the month and year the magazine came out and the price, this is located above the masthead which is also the magazine's name. Magazine's mastheads usually tend to be the name of the magazine. Also it uncludes a barcode, which is on the bottom right corner. The magazine front cover also includes a main image of an artist which relates to the product as the magazine is a music magazine.

The magazine 'Uncut' has an ideology where rock music is important. An example of media language that shows this is the front cover which tells us it's a rock music magazine. Another aspect of media language used is some bands name written as the small cover lines. which tells is it is a rock magazie.

The institutions for 'Uncut' magazine is that 'Uncut' also have a website. The institutions purpose is commercial - to make money and to advertise theirself. This affects the content as it includes adverts and content is mainly entertainment. The content includes adverts and sponsorships.

The representations for the 'Uncut' magazine i am looking at is Paul Weller. He is reprsented in this magazine as he is a famous rock artist which he will represent rock artists in this magazine. The model which features in the main image shows he is represented as cool as he is wearing sunglasses, sunglasses are worn out of the sun to make someone look cool, popular as he is well known, smart and confident as is facial expression shows he is looking straight at the reader which suggests he isn't shy and is trying to catch the audience's attention. The target audience for 'Uncut' magazine is predominant males, aged 30-50, possible working class as the price of the magazine indicates this.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Textual Analysis: Front cover: Q

Name: Q
Issue number: 192 November 2002

The conetents of the front cover of Q magazine include a lot of media language, such as the mast head, which is placed in the top left corner of the page, it is red and white which is a convention of music magazines. They tend to feature a lot of black, white and red. Also it includes the month and year the magazine came out and the price, this is located under the masthead which is also the magazine's name. Magazine's mastheads usually tend to be the name of the magazine. Also it uncludes a barcode, which is on the bottom right corner. The magazine front cover also includes a main image of a band which relates to the product as the magazine is a music magazine.

The magazine 'Q' has an ideology where rock music is important. An example of media language that shows this is the main cover line and the small cover line which tells us it is a rock magazine as the bands mentioned tells us it's a rock magazine as they are rock bands.

The institutions for 'Q' magazine is that 'Q' also have a TV channel and a website. The institutions purpose is commercial - to make money and to advertise theirself. This affects the content as it includes adverts and content is mainly entertainment.

The representations for the 'Q' magazine i am looking at are U2. They are represented in this magazine as they are a rock band so they represent rock bands in this magazine. The models in the main image show they are represented as moody as they don't look happy. They may be happy people but they are represented as unhappy. Their facial expressions show they are making eye contact with the audience which shows they are confident and want to grab the audience's attention.

The target audience for 'Q' magazine are predominant males, aged 16-30, possible middle class as the price of the magazine indicates this.

Monday, 23 November 2009

My magazine representations

Magazine name: Starlight
Magazine gender: Predominant female, secondary male.
Audience age: 10-18
Price: £1.85
Class: Lower class
Music genre: Pop

Magazine front cover terms

Masthead title piece: The magazine's title. Usually displayed in the top left corner.
Price: Magazine cost
Date: Weekly: Usually from Saturday to Friday. Monthly: a month ahead.
Issue Number: A tally of magazines
Barcode: Read electronically and decoded into usable information.
Teaser: One word/phrase acts as an attention grabber
Main Feature: Headline: A phrase that may summarise the main point of the main feature. In large print, different style, bold colours in order to catch the attention of the reader.
Subtitle: Smaller headline that may summarise the feature.
Smaller Feature: Features included in the magazine.
Images: Size: Close up to medium close up. Ranges from one main image to x amount featuring one main image and smaller images. Helps make the page look more interesting. It can add understanding of a story and/or entice someone to read the magazine.
Font: Style and size of type face.
Colour: Specific/stylistic/thematic types.
Graphics: Graphical shapes to highlight feature(s)
Offers/advert Blurb: Banner-style shape featuring free products/promotions.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Music Genre

Pop is my chosen genre which my music magazine will focus upon. Smash hits is a well known music magazine which is currently in publication. Pop music is a music genre that developed from the mid-1950s as a softer alternative to rock'n'roll and later to rock music. It has a focus on commercial recording, often orientated towards a youth market, usually through the medium of relatively short and simple love songs. While these basic elements of the genre have remained fairly constant, pop music has absorbed influences from most other forms of popular music, particularly borrowing from the development of rock music, and utilizing key technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes. The pop genre represents itself

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Conventions of a music magazine


The conventions of a music magazine is what we expect the front cover to be like and what we expect the contents in the magazine to be. We expect a music magazine to include things linked to music such as images of a music artist, band or a song writer. Also, we expect to see information about the music we like, a main image, the issue number, the price, adverts, the masthead and a barcode.

All magazines have the masthead at the top for a purpose. The purpose is so the masthead stands out and so the audience recognises the logo/magazine when picking it up from the shelf. The masthead is also big so it is eye catching. When they are stacked on a newspaper rack, we only see the top of the magazine which makes the audience recognise which magazine appeals to them. The model is chose carefully for the magazine the model will appear on, like we wouldn't expect to see an old man on a girls magazine, we would expect to see a well known young women to appear on a girls magazine. We would expect to see an old man on an older mens magazine.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

LIIAR for a music magazine

-main image
-issue number
-selling line

Uncut magazine. This magazine is not a well known magazine.

Ideology: The values and beliefs that guide our lives related to music magazines. This magazine will be important to their audience as they will want to keep up with the latest music information; an ideology that values music.

Audience: The audience for the magazine 'Uncut' which i analysed appeals to an older audience, ages 30+ and also male dominant. The audience will be upper class who likes older music.

Representation: These are the people and issues that appear in the magazine which represents the audience and how they are displayed and the effect they have on the audience.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Here is my final copy of my magazine front cover.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

My contents page

This is my contents page. I believe this is suitable for a college magainze, as it's simple and isn't overcrowded with images or text. I believe it suits it's purpose as it tells you the pages the contents are on and it includes a few educational images. I think the text suits it's purpose as it's not too formal and it appeals to students.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

This is a college magazine contents page which i found whilst doing research, this shows a magazine contents page doesn't have to be tricky, it can be simple with the page heading/name and the page number you will find the information on. This contents page is simple as it shows the headings and page numbers and just a few images.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009


For my front page, i don't want it to be too crowded as it throws the audience off with toomuch on it. I want to keep my front cover simple in which this appeals to the audience. My front cover will contain one main medium close up image of a student, a masthead which will be the name of my magazine 'Wyke College Magazine', the issue number with the date and possible the website.

Friday, 16 October 2009


Name: Wyke College Magazine
Main story: Need help with your courses? Medium close up of a student for my front cover.
Model will be wearing the clothes of their choice with extra props of books.
Diffrences between a college and a normal magazine

College magazines are usually for a smaller audience as other magazines appeal to a wide audience.Also college magazines are usually free/have no price as they are usually given out to students or teachers. Other magazines usually have a celebrity on the front cover, college magazines usually have something related to education or have a student on the front.
Also, other magazines tend to have lots of advertisement on the front cover were college magazines tend to have no advertisements on the front cover or are advertising their own products or something to do with the college itself.

This video is a guide to making a magazine front cover. Whilst doing my research i found this magazine on youtube and i thought it would be helpful whilst creating my own magazine front cover.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

A mood board of magazines for ideas when creating my own.
Whilst researching magazines, i raelised college magazines are much more simple than public magazines. I realised not many college magazines have a price, and rarely have a barcode. I also noticed college magazines don't have as much adverts on them as public magazines do.

This in an analysis of a college magazine.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Heat magazine analysis

This is an analysis of heat magazine:


Whilst doing my research, i thought it would be best to analyse a magazine so i can understand the codes and conventions of a magazine before creating my own front page and contents page. I am going to analyse a popular girls magazine, heat.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Codes and Conventions of a College Magazine

Codes and conventions of a college magazine
- Title
- Date
- Issue Number
- Website
- E-mail
- Images
- Advertisements
- Headings


The Brief

Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in a medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally youmust produce a mock-up of the layout of the contens page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.

Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by you - minimum of four images.

Presentation of your work: the presentation of the research, planning and evaluation may take the form of any one, or combination of two or more of the followng:
-a presentation using slideshow software such as powerpoint
-a blog
-a podcast