Friday, 23 October 2009

Here is my final copy of my magazine front cover.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

My contents page

This is my contents page. I believe this is suitable for a college magainze, as it's simple and isn't overcrowded with images or text. I believe it suits it's purpose as it tells you the pages the contents are on and it includes a few educational images. I think the text suits it's purpose as it's not too formal and it appeals to students.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

This is a college magazine contents page which i found whilst doing research, this shows a magazine contents page doesn't have to be tricky, it can be simple with the page heading/name and the page number you will find the information on. This contents page is simple as it shows the headings and page numbers and just a few images.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009


For my front page, i don't want it to be too crowded as it throws the audience off with toomuch on it. I want to keep my front cover simple in which this appeals to the audience. My front cover will contain one main medium close up image of a student, a masthead which will be the name of my magazine 'Wyke College Magazine', the issue number with the date and possible the website.

Friday, 16 October 2009


Name: Wyke College Magazine
Main story: Need help with your courses? Medium close up of a student for my front cover.
Model will be wearing the clothes of their choice with extra props of books.
Diffrences between a college and a normal magazine

College magazines are usually for a smaller audience as other magazines appeal to a wide audience.Also college magazines are usually free/have no price as they are usually given out to students or teachers. Other magazines usually have a celebrity on the front cover, college magazines usually have something related to education or have a student on the front.
Also, other magazines tend to have lots of advertisement on the front cover were college magazines tend to have no advertisements on the front cover or are advertising their own products or something to do with the college itself.

This video is a guide to making a magazine front cover. Whilst doing my research i found this magazine on youtube and i thought it would be helpful whilst creating my own magazine front cover.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

A mood board of magazines for ideas when creating my own.
Whilst researching magazines, i raelised college magazines are much more simple than public magazines. I realised not many college magazines have a price, and rarely have a barcode. I also noticed college magazines don't have as much adverts on them as public magazines do.

This in an analysis of a college magazine.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Heat magazine analysis

This is an analysis of heat magazine:


Whilst doing my research, i thought it would be best to analyse a magazine so i can understand the codes and conventions of a magazine before creating my own front page and contents page. I am going to analyse a popular girls magazine, heat.