Monday, 23 November 2009

My magazine representations

Magazine name: Starlight
Magazine gender: Predominant female, secondary male.
Audience age: 10-18
Price: £1.85
Class: Lower class
Music genre: Pop

Magazine front cover terms

Masthead title piece: The magazine's title. Usually displayed in the top left corner.
Price: Magazine cost
Date: Weekly: Usually from Saturday to Friday. Monthly: a month ahead.
Issue Number: A tally of magazines
Barcode: Read electronically and decoded into usable information.
Teaser: One word/phrase acts as an attention grabber
Main Feature: Headline: A phrase that may summarise the main point of the main feature. In large print, different style, bold colours in order to catch the attention of the reader.
Subtitle: Smaller headline that may summarise the feature.
Smaller Feature: Features included in the magazine.
Images: Size: Close up to medium close up. Ranges from one main image to x amount featuring one main image and smaller images. Helps make the page look more interesting. It can add understanding of a story and/or entice someone to read the magazine.
Font: Style and size of type face.
Colour: Specific/stylistic/thematic types.
Graphics: Graphical shapes to highlight feature(s)
Offers/advert Blurb: Banner-style shape featuring free products/promotions.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Music Genre

Pop is my chosen genre which my music magazine will focus upon. Smash hits is a well known music magazine which is currently in publication. Pop music is a music genre that developed from the mid-1950s as a softer alternative to rock'n'roll and later to rock music. It has a focus on commercial recording, often orientated towards a youth market, usually through the medium of relatively short and simple love songs. While these basic elements of the genre have remained fairly constant, pop music has absorbed influences from most other forms of popular music, particularly borrowing from the development of rock music, and utilizing key technological innovations to produce new variations on existing themes. The pop genre represents itself

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Conventions of a music magazine


The conventions of a music magazine is what we expect the front cover to be like and what we expect the contents in the magazine to be. We expect a music magazine to include things linked to music such as images of a music artist, band or a song writer. Also, we expect to see information about the music we like, a main image, the issue number, the price, adverts, the masthead and a barcode.

All magazines have the masthead at the top for a purpose. The purpose is so the masthead stands out and so the audience recognises the logo/magazine when picking it up from the shelf. The masthead is also big so it is eye catching. When they are stacked on a newspaper rack, we only see the top of the magazine which makes the audience recognise which magazine appeals to them. The model is chose carefully for the magazine the model will appear on, like we wouldn't expect to see an old man on a girls magazine, we would expect to see a well known young women to appear on a girls magazine. We would expect to see an old man on an older mens magazine.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

LIIAR for a music magazine

-main image
-issue number
-selling line

Uncut magazine. This magazine is not a well known magazine.

Ideology: The values and beliefs that guide our lives related to music magazines. This magazine will be important to their audience as they will want to keep up with the latest music information; an ideology that values music.

Audience: The audience for the magazine 'Uncut' which i analysed appeals to an older audience, ages 30+ and also male dominant. The audience will be upper class who likes older music.

Representation: These are the people and issues that appear in the magazine which represents the audience and how they are displayed and the effect they have on the audience.