Wednesday, 24 March 2010

'Uncut' contents analysis

This contents page is from a magazine called 'uncut'. Many of the magazines i have looked at shows the information for the content is situated on the right hand side of the contents page, this includes the name of the page and the page number. The contents page normally includes images related to the magazine, and if there is a story related to the image, the page number which is relevant to the image is shown, therefore it makes it easier to navigate around the magazine and which part of the magazine you want to look at weather your just flicking through the magazine and therefore want to navigate to a ceratin page in the magazine. The contents are normally lined off to the rest of the images on the contents page. Not always, but sometimes the date or issue number is situated on the top right of the contents page. This contents page is shows the contents and the page numbers on the right on side of the page, it also includes images which are relevant to the magazine and some short information of what is in the magazine such as reviews. Each part of the contents page is section of which shows a small amount of information which makes the contents page not too overcrowded. This shows the contents page is short and gets to the point of the main target of the contents page is to inform the reader of what is in the magazine. The images on the contents page tell the audience what type of genre the magazine is. This magazine genre is rap.

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